Priority calculations Tutorial
This tutorial covers:
- Importing the necessary libraries
- Loading a matrix from a spreadsheet or directly inputting
- Calculating the standard largest eigenvector priority, eigenvalue, and inconsistency
- New priority calculations
- Further references
- Jupyter notebook and references for this tutorial
1. Importing the necessary libraries
The library you need is pyanp.priority
, but we could also make use of numpy
and pandas
so we will import those as well.
# Pandas has DataFrames and Series, very useful things
import pandas as pd
# numpy has lots of useful things in it
import numpy as np
# lastly import our ahptree python code. If you haven't already installed the pyanp library do
# pip install pyanp
# to get it
from pyanp import priority
2. Loading a matrix from a spreadhseet or directly inputting
To load from a CSV or Excel (it is the same function), with or without headers
mat3 = priority.get_matrix("pairwise3x3-1.csv")
#this gives the same matrix but with headers
mat3 = priority.get_matrix("pairwise3x3-1-headers.csv")
To directly input the matrix
mat4 = np.array([
[1, 2, 3, 4],
[1/2, 1, 5, 6],
[1/3, 1/5, 1, 7],
[1/4, 1/6, 1/7, 1]
3. Calculating the largest eigenvector priority, eigenvalue, and inconsistency
result is:
array([0.5816, 0.309 , 0.1095])
Now let’s calculate the eigenvalue
priority.pri_eigen(mat3, return_eigenval=True)
result is:
And finally calculate the inconsistency
the result is:
4. New priority calculations
To beter see the differences, we will use the mat4
4x4 example matrix.
4.1 The original largest eigenvector calculation
the result is:
array([0.4082, 0.3758, 0.1632, 0.0528])
4.2 New exponential eigenvector calculation
the result is:
array([0.2244, 0.1985, 0.0689, 0.5081])
4.3 Geometric mean of columns AKA llsm
the result is:
array([0.2672, 0.1841, 0.0642, 0.4845])
5. Further references
The Programmers Reference for pyanp.priority